Chairman's Message
The advent of the second millennium has brought in its wake a transformation in the mindset of the consumers. The expectation of consumers has risen exponentially. This trend is here to stay and companies have to gear up towards totally satisfying customers. The business processes have to begin and end with the costumers. Our quality policy emphasize on not only meeting the customer expectation, but also exceeding them.
The HVAC industry worldwide is undergoing change; one welcome change is the incorporation of 'Care' for them in all the activities. We have enthusiastically worked towards making our products environment friendly and at the same time internationally competitive . The continuous improvement in methods, processes and technology has ensured that we remain amongst the best by delivering high quality products to the customers. We believe that we are not merely making HVAC Equipment, but products that make our customers happy, thereby instilling in us a great sense of pride
Our products, practice and equipment will continue to be bench marked against the world's best. We are sure of sustaining this momentum. I am grateful to all our customers, suppliers, technology partners for placing their trust in our Group (Refrigeration House Group). I assure you that your trust in us will motivate us to further improve our performance. Our commitment to our goals will make your decision to associate with us a rewarding investment.
Further I wish to express my sincere gratitude to our employees without whom our progress would not have been possible.
Sincerely Yours,
Mr. Ali Saleh Al-khalaf