Formed in 1981, REFRIGERATION HOUSE, DIV. KLIMATECHNIK provided REFRIGERATION HOUSE an opportunity to grow by establishing a company in the HVAC - electro-mechanical contracting field, with branches established in Riyadh and Al Khobar, REFRIGERATION HOUSE, DIV. KLIMATECHNIK is providing outstanding services through out Saudi Arabia.
The reason for this outstanding service is KLIMATECHNIK DIVISION has one of the most experienced engineering staff in the HVAC - electro-mechanical industries. From the beginning to the end, our attention to details and careful supervision of the projects ensures that REFRIGERATION HOUSE work is always of the finest quality.
REFRIGERATION HOUSE, DIV. KLIMATECHNIK has been assigned the following classifications from the Agency of Contractors Classifications in the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
Mechanical: Grade 3
Electrical: Grade 3
Maintenance: Grade 4
REFRIGERATION HOUSE, DIV. KLIMATECHNIK has completed a large number of Electro- Mechanical projects involving a wide range of technical skills.
Al Khobar
P.O. Box 2892, Al Khobar - 31952
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Tel: +966(13) 882 3534
+966(13) 882 2841
Fax:+966(13) 882 2807
Email: klima@refhouse.com
P.O. Box 1904, Rliyadh - 11441
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Tel: +966(11) 465 6198
+966(11) 462 8275
Fax: +966(11) 462 8347